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Ready To Launch Your Social Selling System...?

Create, Launch & Scale a 7-Figure Social Selling System In Just 30 Days

Brand30 is a 30-day program that has taught over 4,000 students the proven strategies and techniques to build a Social Selling System on LinkedIn - even if you suck at sales!

30 Days, Just 30 Minutes A Day

🚀 WAITLIST OPEN! Spots open every week.

Mark Kosoglow

CRO @ Catalyst

I've single-handedly witnessed Andy's LinkedIn playbooks help turn everyday people into 'influencers' over the course of a few months. Any seller or sales team should take advantage of Andy's world-class systems.

Meredith Hudson

Sales Leader @ Snapchat

Just the community aspect of this was just awesome. I looked forward to the community calls every time we had them. I would say for me, probably the biggest transformation that happened was realizing that LinkedIn is the #1 channel for B2B growth and Andy is the best guide for the journey.

Adam Robinson

Founder of

Andy is the first person I call anytime I need any advice on anything LinkedIn. If you're looking to use LinkedIn as a top channel for your sales I'd lean on Andy because he'll give you simple strategies you can implement today.

Is The 'Brand30 Challenge'

For Me And My Business...??

Yes! This ‘Brand30 Challenge’ is especially for you if...

✔️ You've tried all the social selling things like posting free content, sending DMs, writing articles, polls, and maybe even live events with little to no results.

✔️ You're totally new to all of this and suck at it. (Hint: YOU don't “suck”... but maybe the strategies you're using aren't a right fit for your offer and audience...)

✔️ You started a LinkedIn account but haven't published any content as yet and don't know where to start...

​✔️ You think social selling wouldn't work for you because you believe your business is “different”...

✔️ If you nodded or said “yes” to ANY of the above,

Then YES, this program is 100% for you.

30-Day Social Selling Curriculum

Social Selling can completely change your life - trust me, it changed mine.


If we haven’t crossed paths yet - Hello, I'm Andy 👋

I embarked on my LinkedIn Social Selling journey in 2020, while at

Starting from the ground up with 0 impressions, 0 followers, and 0 inbound leads, the uphill battle was real.

Engulfed in the demanding whirlwind of a unicorn startup, I was pouring 60+ hours a week into the grind.

Yet, passion and persistence paid off. Just 24 months down the line, I founded a company that astonishingly clocked 7 figures in revenue within a mere 9 months.

The cherry on top? I was raking in $10,000+/month, simply by training people on the art and science of Social Selling.

And if that wasn't testament enough to the magic of dedication, I sold my brainchild, Taplio - a testament to a business hitting 7 figures.

Fast forward to now, I'm proud of my roaring community of 170k followers, the inception of another thriving business, and an engaged list of 27k email subscribers.

 I know, Social Selling is underrated.

Having a Social Selling System didn't just add a feather to my cap. It gave wings to my dreams.

If there's one thing I'd say, it's this: If you harness it right, Social Selling isn't just a buzzword. It's a launchpad.

Want to know how to catapult your success with Social Selling? Dive in.

The Brand30 Blueprint to Building a 7-Figure Social Selling System


Over my years in building an audience that generates revenue, I've uncovered the key components needed to craft a compelling, authentic personal brand.

After investing countless hours and resources, participating in numerous workshops and masterclasses, I've distilled everything into this potent 30-day program. Though I've gained insights from various sources, the most important thing I've discovered is:

Branding isn't just about logos and colors - it's about the story you tell.

Here's what it boils down to:

  1. Discovering your unique voice and story.
  2. Showcasing this to the world with consistency.
  3. Connecting with your audience on a personal level.

That's the essence of Brand30.

I guarantee that by the end of this program, not only will you have a clearer understanding of your brand, but you'll also stand out in the crowded digital space.

You'll develop invaluable skills in storytelling, design a visual identity that resonates, and build a tribe of loyal followers who believe in your message.

The journey of transforming your brand begins with a single step. Are you ready?

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Many have ideas, but it's the execution and presentation that truly sets the successful ones apart. You're aware of this, aren't you?

The principles of branding might seem straightforward, but mastery is in the nuance. Are you up for the challenge?


Why do so few people truly stand out online?


One word - consistency.


Crafting an authentic social selling system is challenging, because it demands self-awareness.


And unless you've had extensive training or dedicated time for introspection, understanding your unique value can be elusive.

Sure, if you're a well-known celebrity with a massive following, every move you make naturally enhances your brand. But for the rest of us, building a personal brand requires intentionality and strategy.

If you're like most, juggling daily responsibilities, perhaps a full-time job, or even a business, finding the time and resources to develop a personal brand feels overwhelming.

Being recognized as a thought leader or an expert doesn't just happen overnight. You have to cultivate it, invest in it, and sometimes even re-brand when things aren't working. Some of these strategies are so intricate that there are entire masterclasses devoted to them.

Especially when balancing personal life, work, and the quest for growth, building an authentic brand may feel like an insurmountable task.

So how do you amplify your social selling without spreading yourself too thin?


You implement a Content Engine.


That’s the cornerstone.

If you can engineer and fine-tune your Content Engine, you'll be able to churn out engaging content that not only captures attention but also effectively converts prospects into paying customers, without draining your resources.

Imagine a well-oiled machine. Like how renowned companies have managed to automate their processes for exponential growth, the Content Engine is designed to function smoothly, producing consistent results in a fraction of the time.

Just as these successful enterprises have constructed seamless systems for scale, you need to structure a mechanism around your content strategy, encompassing all facets from creation to conversion.

Content Engines drive growth. Growth is achieved when you can enhance your outreach while preserving energy and resources.

The roadmap to building a formidable brand is clear: Construct a robust Content Engine.

  • Design a system for generating fresh and relevant content ideas.
  • Construct a system for capturing emails efficiently.
  • Create a system for nurturing prospects, tailoring your approach to their unique needs.
  • And, crucially, establish a system for timing your pitch and asking for the sale with precision.

This doesn’t replace the human touch in your business. Instead, it enhances it, allowing you to focus on what you do best, while the engine runs smoothly in the background.

By harnessing the full power of a Content Engine, you’re not only maximizing your output but also streamlining your approach.

This is how you build a brand and a business that stands out in a crowded marketplace without burning out.

Of course, designing and maintaining an effective Content Engine requires effort and finesse. But with it, the rewards are exponentially higher.

I've employed this system to catapult from ground zero to a staggering $250m in revenue in just 7 years and to sell a company I co-founded in less than a year.


I’ve built the Content Engine for my businesses.

I’m here to guide you in building yours.

The Brand30 Program & Community


Brand30 is a 30-day online course & community.


The Brand30 community is a 30-day live cohort-based course where I’ll teach you everything I know about how to build and grow your Social Selling into a sustainable machine that churns out valuable content for your audience and generates healthy opportunities for you, without having to quit your job.

It’s based on the Compound Post Method, the system I’ve developed to grow my following from 0 to 170,000+ followers (with 100,000+ profile views/month) while working full-time as an Enterprise Sales Professional.


Brand30 has also helped Advanced Top Professionals level-up their systems and profiles.

Alina Vandenberghe

Co-founder of Chilipiper

Mark Kosoglow

Co-founder of TBD...(in stealth)

Chase Dimond

Email Marketing Nerd

Melissa Gaglione

Founder @ MG Consulting

Adam Robinson

Founder @

Annie Roche

Director of Sales at Attentive


and many, many more...

By The End Of The 30 Days

The Brand30 Course condenses 5 years and thousands of hours of Social Selling experience into an immersive, interactive program over 30 days. 

By the end, you’ll know how to build your very own Content Engine that’ll save you lots of time & generate you & your team leads.


You'll discover strategies to build confidence, engage your audience, and create content that resonates.


You'll learn the strategies for consistently creating and sharing content that positions you as a thought leader in your network.


You'll learn to grab attention immediately, structure your content for maximum effect, and guide your audience to the next step with irresistible CTAs.


You'll discover how to effectively engage potential clients, create offers that capture attention, and nurture leads into valuable professional relationships.


You’ll discover how to optimize your operations, create a self-improving system, and maximize your results with LinkedIn.


You’ll build your own Idea Generation Machine that’ll help you generate ideas, and tell you which content ideas have a higher chance of generating leads, so you’re not spinning your wheels making content that is unlikely to perform well.

How we've helped Beginners to shortcut their Social Selling learning curve

In 30 days Leslie gained 2000+ subscribers to her newsletter

Haithem made $18,000 after using these strategies for 7 days

In 14 days Drew built $200K in pipeline

In 5 days Tim built $315K in pipeline 


"I came to learn how to write on LinkedIn. But I actually stayed for the community."

"Just the community aspect of this was so awesome. I looked forward to these calls with Andy every time we had them."


"If you're on the fence about joining Brand30, please don't be. Go ahead and dive right in. It will change your life!"

Who the program won’t work for - this program isn’t for you if:

This community isn't for you if…


❌ You're not willing to put in the time and effort to make 1 post per day for 30 days.

❌ You're looking for a magic bullet that'll cause your following to grow without any effort. There's no secret here. It's just about putting in the work and doing it consistently.

❌ You're hoping that Brand Building will be a get-rich-quick scheme. Again, that's not how it works. There are no shortcuts.

❌ You're looking for a guaranteed path to 1k, or 10k, or 100K followers. There are no guarantees in this game. It's like signing up for a writing course and expecting to have 1M readers per month for your blog, or 100,000 sales of your book. That's not how it works. There are a huge number of factors that go into whether something will be numerically 'successful'. We'll do our best to teach you the systems and processes that have worked for us, but we can't 'guarantee' any specific result.

Having said all that, one thing we can guarantee is that if you create valuable content, post 1-2 times per day, and do this for 2 years, your life will change. We can't put a number on it (no one can), but if you can stick with this for 2+ years, you'll learn useful skills, you'll generate opportunities, and you'll make friends with amazing people from all over the world. You might even get messages from fans about how your posts have changed their lives.

Who the program will work for - this program is for you if:

You’re committed to growing your personal brand and putting yourself in the best position to build, sustain and succeed at this Social Selling thing, we're here for you. 


  • ✅ Executives aiming to increase their visibility and influence within their professional circles

  • ✅ Founders who want to attract more clients and customers through LinkedIn

  • ✅ Small business owners seeking to promote their products or services on a professional networking platform

  • ✅ Startups and new businesses looking to build brand awareness and credibility

  • ✅ Account Executives and Account Managers who want to leverage LinkedIn for lead generation and prospecting

  • ✅ Marketing professionals seeking to promote their company's products or services on LinkedIn

  • ✅ Social media managers and digital marketers looking to expand their social selling strategies


Brand30 is meticulously crafted for dynamic professionals, like you, desiring to UNF*CK LinkedIn. Whether you're aiming to bolster your brand or situate yourself at the forefront of your domain, this course is your roadmap. Together, we'll explore a world of unparalleled value and opportunity on LinkedIn.


30-Day Social Selling Curriculum

You'll also get access to:


Some people like to learn at their own pace. And we really want the lessons to stick. So we created a 100+ lesson text-based curriculum that you can use alongside the live sessions. It has lessons on hooks, storytelling, formatting, and everything you'll need to feel confident in publishing online. The best part? You'll have access to this curriculum forever.


The secret to growing & winning with Social Selling? 

Getting Social...Doing it with friends on a similar journey.

The Brand30 Program  

  • 💻 30-day Social Selling Curriculum a comprehensive 30-day social selling action checklist that will ensure you do everything necessary to build raving fans
  • ✍️ Daily Templates, Frameworks, and ChatGPT prompts so that all you have to do is sit down and start writing
  • 🔥 Accountability Partners Assigned (Optional) so that you can connect with other professionals in the Brand30 community
  • ✔️ Weekly Action Plans a step-by-step guide to conquering social selling with easy-to-implement action items. This ensures you’re always on track without the being overwhelmed.
  • ⚡️ Private SKOOL community of  PROs with channels for different topics, platforms, niches, and geographies
  • ♾️ LIFETIME ACCESS to the curriculum, bonuses, and SKOOL community
  • 💥 [BONUS] FREE ACCESS to The LinkedIn Insider's Database with 100s of templates, ideas, and prompts ($99 Value)
  • 💥 [BONUS] The Effortless Lead Gen Mastery Mini-Course ($297 Value)
  • 💥 [BONUS] 10-10-1 Mini-Email Course a daily email with 10 hooks, 10 content ideas, and 1 writing prompt ($99 Value)
  • 💥 [BONUS] 1 Month of Taplio for $1 to schedule your posts, use AI to create content, and automate your LinkedIn workflow ($237 Value)
  • 💥 [BONUS] 3 Months of Distribute for #1 to create, manage, and distribute your lead magnets to your audience ($177 Value)
  • 🔒[GUARANTEE] 100%, no-questions-asked refund if you complete the course materials, write 30 posts, and find the community isn't for you within 30 days of starting it.
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🎁 Hold up, did someone say free bonuses?

You bet. We’ve decided to bundle in a bunch of free bonuses, just for fun:


Starting with a blank page sucks. Rather than have no idea where you begin, we'll give you 100s of proven templates used by our community. These templates will help you use proven hooks, formatting, and call-to-actions so that you start Brand30 feeling confident.


Starting from scratch sucks. We don't want you to worry about what works. So, we give you everything you need to sit down, start writing, and hit publish. The Database provides you within 12+ months of curated content ideas, engagement boosting questions, creators to follow, and hooks.


A daily email delivered to your inbox with 10 hooks, 10 content ideas, and 1 writing prompt. You'll never hit writer's block again.

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Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee & Money-Back Promise


We want the investment in Brand30 to be an absolute no-brainer for you.

So, if you complete the entire 30-day Social Selling program, go through all the modules, write 30 pieces of content on LinkedIn, and find that you didn't receive the value you expected, we will provide a full refund. No questions asked.

Now why the rules around the refund? Because we are POSITIVE (after having 4,000+ students go through the program) that the things we teach work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Connor Bush


Andy provided the best roadmap. Finally, I had a line of sight to grow on LinkedIn. It meets you, wherever you are, and 30 days later, you've grown beyond imagination. The community is supportive, the coursework non-threatening, and the results astounding.

10/10 would recommend to a friend.


Renata Zawrotna


Joining Brand30 was one of the best decisions I made recently! Not only did I learn how to write and create content on Linkedin, but I overcame my fear of thinking "what people may think".
Throughout the program Andy was always available and answered all questions. I met lots of great people - if you have a shared challenge and do it with a group of people it really does bring great results!
I would really recommend it to anyone!

Timothy Ensmann


I've been posting for 7 days using the blueprint that Andy provided. So far and just had a post get 100k+ impressions. That same post got me a meeting with a CRO, 4 additional meetings, and over 850K in pipeline.

❤️ Our Wall of Love ❤️

Our students say very nice things about the course.
Here’s what 100s have to say.

Still not sold? 

Have other questions? 

Ping me at [email protected]

If you’ve got any questions about the course, or need a hand with anything else, we’re just an email away. Drop us a line and we’ll do our best to help 😊

The Brand30 Program  

  • 💻 30-day Social Selling Curriculum a comprehensive 30-day social selling action checklist that will ensure you do everything necessary to build raving fans
  • ✍️ Daily Templates, Frameworks, and ChatGPT prompts so that all you have to do is sit down and start writing
  • 🔥 Accountability Partners Assigned (Optional) so that you can connect with other professionals in the Brand30 community
  • ✔️ Weekly Action Plans a step-by-step guide to conquering social selling with easy-to-implement action items. This ensures you’re always on track without the being overwhelmed.
  • ⚡️ Private SKOOL community of PROs with channels for different topics, platforms, niches, and geographies
  • ♾️ LIFETIME ACCESS to the curriculum, bonuses, and SKOOL community
  • 💥 [BONUS] FREE ACCESS to The LinkedIn Insider's Database with 100s of templates, ideas, and prompts ($99 Value)
  • 💥 [BONUS] The Effortless Lead Gen Mastery Mini-Course ($297 Value)
  • 💥 [BONUS] 10-10-1 Mini-Email Course a daily email with 10 hooks, 10 content ideas, and 1 writing prompt ($99 Value)
  • 💥 [BONUS] 1 Month of Taplio for $1 to schedule your posts, use AI to create content, and automate your LinkedIn workflow ($237 Value)
  • 💥 [BONUS] 3 Months of Distribute for #1 to create, manage, and distribute your lead magnets to your audience ($177 Value)
  • 🔒[GUARANTEE] 100%, no-questions-asked refund if you complete the course materials, write 30 posts, and find the community isn't for you within 30 days of starting it.
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